Power lines help bring much needed electrical energy to our houses and our businesses.
We often take this modern marvel for granted.
We flip a switch and we have light!
It's kind of crazy to think that there is electrical energy running through our nervous system keeping us alive and healthy.
Instead of power lines we have nerves.
The brain sends signals down the spinal cord and out the nerves to the rest of the body.
The body then sends signals back up the same nerves to the spinal cord and up to the brain.
It's an amazing loop which needs to work at 100% to make sure we are functioning at 100%.
Would you rather have this system work any less than 100%?
Of course not!
Yet, when we have a misalignment of a vertebrae the transmission through that nerve can be reduced significantly.
The University of Colorado found that it only took the weight of a dime to cut nerve transmission by 60%!
If you have never been to a chiropractor of if it has been sometime since your last visit - chances are you are running on less than 100%.
Send me a message and see why all of my practice members leave the office with better nerve expression than when they came in.