What if I told you that no chiropractor ever cured anything in this history of chiropractic?
Would you believe me?
What if I took it a step further and told you that no doctor anywhere ever cured anyone of anything?
Anytime healing takes place it does so through a healthy and optimal functioning body.
When you were a kid and you fell and cut your knee what would your mother or father do?
They would probably clean the cut and place a band-aid on it, right?
Then what happens?
A few days later the band-aid starts to fall off and you can see that the cut has healed over.
That's some magic band-aid, huh?
Obviously it wasn't the band-aid. But if you still don't believe me go to your fridge and take a piece of meat and cut it. Place a band-aid on it and come back in a few days and check on the cut.
I guarantee you the cut will still be there.
Now, I know what you are thinking - Dr. Ben you are being ridiculous - of course the piece of meat isn't going to heal - it's not alive!
That right there is my point. Life heals. Not the doctor.
There is a doctor inside everyone one of us - mixing different hormones and neurotransmitters keeping us alive.
The job of the chiropractor is to work with this system to make sure you function at your optimum.
This system works through the nervous system and through regular chiropractic care we can make sure that your spine and nervous system are health and functioning as they should.
The take away from this post is that your body is capable of things you might not fully comprehend. Try working with your body to help this innate intelligence function as it knows how rather than taking drugs to override this natural process.