We are on our phones all the time now.
You are most likely reading this blog post on your phone right now.
What percentage of battery do you have left?
Have you ever had one of those days where you wake up and realize your phone didn’t charge all night?
You start the day at like 45% and cross your fingers that you are gonna make it throughout the day.
It can be rather stressful depending on how much you need your phone that day.
You might bring your cord with you and charge it for a minute here or a minute there but sometimes it doesn’t seem as though you can catch up.
The same thing happens when you run your body ragged with too much activity and too little sleep.
You can only do that for so long before you run into trouble.
One of the quickest ways to conserve your power when running low is to close programs running in the background.
We do a similar thing in our office with our chiropractic adjustments.
Most people are running from one thing to the next and running low on energy and that leads to dysfunction and different health issues.
When we do a computerized nerve scan in our office we can see the normal level of stress on your nervous system occurring in the background every minute of every day.
This stress doesn’t always show up as pain but it is a poor use of your energy.
By realigning the spine and taking the pressure off the spinal cord and nerves your body will run more efficiently.
Many of my practice members report feeling more rested and having more energy as a side effect of having care.
So do yourself a favor and come into the office so we can do a full assessment and help your body run more efficiently.