Do you take better care of your car or your body?
Most people would like to say they take better care of their bodies but that is rarely the case.
But our cars are important, right?
They take us to work.
They take our kids to school.
They can take us to that vacation we have been planning with the family.
But what else is taking that trip with you? - Your body!
The crazy thing is most people will have several cars in their lifetime.
We can change parts, rotate tires, repair broken taillights with little to no problem but try to replace an organ or repair a broken bone and that can cost money and take time.
Therefore it is important to be preventative when it comes to your health just as you would a car.
Put in high quality gas, get an oil change, rotate the tires, get your alignment checked.
For your health you should be drinking enough water, getting enough sleep, eating a clean diet, getting enough exercise, getting outside to enjoy nature, brushing your teeth at least twice a day and of course - getting adjusted on a regular basis.
So next time you take your car in for routine maintenance ask yourself when was the last time you did some maintenance on your body.